VeeamON 2024 – The Remote Version (Day 3)

Welcome back to my take on VeeamON 2024, the remote version. If you missed it, the review of Day 1&2 is here. As a refresher, I was able to attend VeeamON in person last year in Miami, but this year due to life circumstances, I am attending remotely. So what is my take? Day 3 coming right up! Day 3 Closing Keynote Demofest There were many demo's, and the hour-long session was practically just demo's,…

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VeeamON 2024 – The Remote Version (Days 1&2)

VeeamON 2024 Day 2 is a wrap. And while I had originally planned on attending in-person, work and family commitments changed those plans just over a week ago and I had to make the decision to attend remotely. Last year I was able to attend in-person with "most" expenses paid by Veeam due to my Legends status. The previous 2 or 3 years I attended remotely (as did most due to COVID restrictions), so last…

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Veeam Introduces Support for Proxmox VE

At the request of multiple SMB customers, much of it due to the turbulence in the virtualization industry with Broadcom's acquisition of VMware, Veeam has listened to the requests for support of additional hypervisors. Today, Veeam announced support for Proxmox VE. This will provide support to those SMB clients that are finding VMware vSphere's rising pricings unaffordable. Personally, I'm looking forward to this support as it now makes utilizing Proxmox much more of a viable…

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